Monday, May 24, 2010

You look Human!

Today I had my first official post op appointment with my doctor.  He said and I quote 
“You look human!”.  He was very happy with my progress so far and apologized that I had to suffer so much in the beginning.  He wants me to continue my walks and he wants me to continue to take care of myself and let others care for me.
My mother and husband were concerned that I was doing too much. Of course my mom brought that up to the doctor.  He said in a way they were right and in a way I was.  My husband and mom thought I should be taking my 3 walks a day and spending the rest in bed.  I take my 3 walks a day but do not spend the rest of the day in bed.  I spend some time in the bed but I mosey around the house and yard watching my little angels play and discover.  I do some school with them and steal hugs and kisses left and right! And maybe I boss my husband around a little too is hard just being able to watch! ....I am sorry!
Doc said I need to find a happy medium between the two. That I did just have spinal fusion 13 days ago and I need to spend a little less time on my feet but by no means need to be in bed the whole day.  So that is what I will do!  Today my sister-in-law came and played with the kids and I did spend quite a bit of time sleeping!  I was up and about too much yesterday and my body was telling me to take it easy I didn’t listen yesterday, but today I did.  My body said “hey, go lay down I am tired and I need rest to heal.”  So I put my head to my pillow and my little hearts in the hands of my sis-in -law and got some good rest.


mom said...

well said Becky, I think you're getting a grip on this whole recovery thing. It's a transition for all of us as well. Thanks for your patience! You're doing great.