Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ups and Downs

Got the much needed answers to Bec's headaches. And as she said "headache" is way too mild of a term for them. Apparently they are caused by spine nerve inflamation. Or as the surgeon put it the nerves are "pissed off" at Becky for some reason. He prescribed steroids for them. It could take several days to taper off. How wonderful to have an answer! I think once they're gone Becky can better concentrate on a controlled recovery. They are just too much of a distraction. Also she will be able to read,,,,things like her blog! And maybe even type in a blog posting of her own! In the meantime I know she was looking for some feedback, comments on her blog and I told her people were definitely reading it but maybe now everyone could make a comment! It would be great for her to hear from everyone now!
Unfortunately after the surgeon's visit and a stop at home to have din din with the kiddos, she had a very rough night. She said the pain was as bad as it was the night after the surgery. So just as we thought she'd be making some progress, she has a setback. This morning however she hasn't had a headache as yet! yippee! This is huge, you have no idea! She said the headaches were piercing pain from her eyes all throught the center part of her head. (Imagine a horses mane.) Like knives stabbing and then the insult of twisting them. Lets hope we don't have to talk about them again!
It was fun to see her at her house, first time in one week. R cried when she left but it is definitely better Bec get the rest she needs here at mom's. We were thinking she'd go home in a few days, maybe this weekend but then when she had such a rough night last night I was so glad she was here.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you have an answer to the headaches!! Hopefully they have subsided for good!!

My mom and I are planning on visiting again soon! Thanks for the updates!

Charlyn said...

She definitely looked better today!! And I really enjoyed my time with her and then the kids.