Sunday, May 16, 2010


Becky has been fighting severe headaches. So much so that she isn't able to open her eyes and cries in pain. We've still been trying the coffee, sometimes working sometimes not. We've been trying Tylenol again working some of the time but not as effective as the coffee. Then she had an idea for me to rush home and get her Vicadin. She recalls getting headaches pre surgery when she would take a break from them at home. So trusting ourselves that this would be ok and making a physicians decision she tried the Vicadin and I thought it seemed to help. She thought so too and then later in the day she decided they didn't help and went back on the Oxycoden. But again later in the evening she again said they did help. THis is part of the confusion from the medication. Sometimes she says something and then says she thought she dreamt it. Confused like when she was talking to Shawn on the phone from the hospital she told him she didn't have prostate cancer. Well we have to keep some humor in this story....leave it to Becky.