Sunday, June 20, 2010

Update and Bedtime

I know I have not updated in awhile and I apologize!  And this will be quick as I am wrapping up the day and SO ready for bed.  Things are going good. I am basically free of all walking aids.  I am up to mile walks, usually twice a day.  I no longer need as many naps and as much down time.  Although I still need them just not as much.  There have been some bad days and a few really painful moments that quite frankly scared the hell out of me.  But we got through them and there are less and less of those moments.  I still tire very easily and perhaps over do it to often.  I am going to update again with more detail.  I wanted this to be a resource for someone about to or considering the surgery so I am going to documents some more details very soon.
Good night to all!


crafty lady said...

I am so proud of you! Walking a mile with no aid? You are so tough. Good for you (just don't over do it since I am not there to tell you to go to bed).